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Siera "xier" Tamihardja's Blog
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Kamis, 19 Maret 2009

1.a person who is sensitive.
2.a person with psychic powers; medium.
Naaa, im not gonna write about the psychic one.
Now lets see what sensitive as an adjective means.
having acute mental or emotional sensibility; aware of and responsive to the feelings of others.

Bukan. bukan yang akut2 itu. agak serem ada akut2nya. lets take sensitive as awaring of and being responsive to the feelings of others.

wed, 03.18.2009. kmrn gwe , er. dipermalukan. bbrp org tak tau diri baca blog gwe keras2 dgn intonasi yg "bkn gwe banged". urgh. I just felt that its not supposed to be read that way. I heard something that sounded not like mine. Well, I never like when people read my writings out loud. Apalagi blog. mnurut gwe blog diciptakan untuk DIBACA. SENDIRIAN. ATO RAME2 juga boleh sih. tapi bukan DIBACAIN. Beda banged aja. Mnurut gwe blog harusnya lo baca dan lo dapetin intinya dari persepsi lo sendiri. Klo org laen yg bacain, scara ga sngaja atopun sngaja, ada maksud yg ditambain dr si pembaca. Its better to be read out loud by the writer. or be read by readers' heart. Skalian aja, klo mo denger, klo mo "dbacain", mndingan jgn baca blog. Listening to pidato's better.

Anyway. One of the person said klo gwe sensitif. Bahwa apa yg gwe rasain bisa gwe kluarin. Bisa gwe rasain n gwe tulis. Aneh? tentu saja.

Gwe sendiri ga ngerasa sensitif. Lets see the sentence structure: Bisa gwe kluarin. Itu mah namanya gwe expressive. Bisa gwe rasain. Karna saya manusia. I dont think people need to be sensitive to ngerasain apa yg ada di sekitar mereka. Kalo Bisa gwe tulis. Ya bisa lah. Itu namanya gwe descriptive.

I just think that I am a thinker. Gwe suka mikir kenapa begini dan kenapa begitu. Kok bisa begini dan bukannya begitu. Ga brarti gwe ruwet juga, cuma gwe suka aja, tenggelam dalam kenapa-kenapa. Dan paketnya adalah ngasi tau org kenapa2 yg gwe pikir. gwe suka org baca kenapa yg gwe pikir, then analyze it with their own understandings.

So, Am I sensitive? For loving to think that much, for loving to write that much, for loving to express myself that much?
Naaa, I don't think I am.
Well, sometimes I wish I were. For some sentimental reasons.


This is a blog about anything. Written for anyone. Readable anyway. Go take a glance, and go give me hellos!
Siera Tamihardja. For further concerns: