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Siera "xier" Tamihardja's Blog
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Minggu, 22 Februari 2009

Okei. jadi gini. gwe bgo. trima aja. maaphkan saya, bapak ibu guru yg telah stia mengajari saya supaya pintar dr dahulu kala, tp muridmu ini bodohh.bodooohh, pak, buu. Bodooooooohhh..... *nampar2 pipi sendiri trus lompat dr summit*

Kmrn gwe jalan sama teman2. its malem minggu, so yippie. haha. Di mobil seorang teman gwe, gwe dengan iseng scroll2 ipodnya. nyari2 lagu lama yg enak, and... disitulah gwe bego. Well, gwe juga bego kalo lagi bikin pe er mat, yaa begonya mirip2 gitu lahh. im playing with fire. gwe menyetel lagu nickelback. photograph. coz i think im gonna be okay.

Nickelback-photograph punya lirik yg mantapph. Dulu sblom Lebii, sudaraku, pgi ke melb, g ngepost liriknya di page fsnya. yak. dolo bahkan gwe main fs. bukan facebook. Its been a long time seolah. Bgitu lagunya maen,

yeah. it struck me.


"Look at this photograph'

Every time I do it makes me laugh

how did our eyes get so red?

And what the hell is on Joey’s head?"

Bego aja gwe. udah tau it has a deeeeep.deeeep meaning for me, masi gwe puter. gwe jadi kangen indo. haha. i think i miss indo more than i thought i would. Yeah, and a part of it is that i miss smuki. ga mo ngakuin sih. gwe ga pnah cinta smuki. gwe lupa aja kalo ga perlu cinta bwt kangen. i kinda miss how i mess my life there. kinda miss how things are broken, as well as fixed or invented.

"This is where I went to school

Most of the time had better things to do

Criminal record says I broke in twice

I must’ve done it half a dozen times"

Seems like i have to admit that anyway,anyhow, smuki is a part of my life too. ha.ha. rightt.........--"

Selain ngangenin mami papi billy dgn sluruh jiwa raga, gwe kangen tunkie. gwe kangen (may&le)bii. gwe kangen syasya. gwe kangen qren. gwe kangen janice. gwe kangen ilin. gwe kangen sosiz. gwe kangen radskewl. gwe kangen debat. Gwe kangen orang-orang yg ga gwe kenal tp toh senyum2 aja kalo ketemu. Gwe kangen minta ijin sama duma. Gwe kangen pas hp gwe dsita. Gwe kangen cubit2an sama bu wati. Gwe kangen ngatain bu christi jelek. Gwe kangen dimarain bu esther berisik di perpus. Gwe kangen dapet jelek pas akun. Gwe kangen duduk di pojok, ga dengerin apa2 tau2 ulangan. Gwe kangen melotot marah sama bu km. gwe kangen ke medical room. gwe kangen cabut sama inyezz. gwe kangen nyanyi gejeh sama jj di edu expo. gwe kangen cuci mata. gwe kangen ke medit. gwe kangen bu au bilang, "ada gempa, inih ibu merasakan, sedikit, oh. udah. udah ilang.". gwe kangen nyelundupin snacks ke lab. gwe kangen dijemput soleh telat. gwe kangen malsuin angka waktu lab fisika. gwe kangen ke ta kalo pulang pagi. gwe tau gwe kangen smuki.

"Every memory of looking out the back door

I had the photo album spread out on my bedroom floor

It’s hard to say it

Time to say it

Goodbye, goodbye

Every memory of walking out the front door.I found the photo of the friend that I was looking for. It's hard to say it. Time to say it. Goodbye, goodbye..."

This is weird, but this is me. For me the hardness of saying goodbye is just the same as the hardness to admit how i miss them deeply deep.


This is a blog about anything. Written for anyone. Readable anyway. Go take a glance, and go give me hellos!
Siera Tamihardja. For further concerns: